Thursday, October 14, 2010

Is this the real Caesar's Palace?

So last time I wrote I was sitting in a hotel in San Antonio, Texas at training camp. What I didn't tell you guys is that I was sitting there resting my ankle as I was the recipient of a slew foot heading into the boards and got a high ankle sprain. It hurt like a mother and they put me in a Craig Sanders boot and on Crutches. (Craig Sanders has the best work ethic in BU history and was forced into a boot after an ankle sprain of his own. Due to this work ethic he was out of the boot faster than anyone else). No more training camp for me. As I lay there in bed, I said to myself I have two options. I can throw a Kevin Schaeffer pity party, with a guest list of 1, or I can suck it up take some Alieve and start typing. Everyone saw the option I took. That's just the kind of guy I am. I'm here for you. The ankle is a long way from the heart, and fingers. Soon after I was sent to Las Vegas to get settled into my apartment and get going on doing some rehab with our athletic trainer. I must admit the trip down was a little embarrassing though for me. Since I had my foot in a huge boot, on crutches and had a few bags with me I asked if I could take a ride on one of those golf carts they have at the airport. Unfortunately they did not have any, so I was confined to being carted around on a wheelchair. Talk about depressing. Here I am a healthy, average looking guy with an above average personality, that plays professional hockey and works out for a living, being carted around in a wheelchair with the 90 year old grandmas and grandpas with the oxygen tanks hooked up to their noses. That was a real shot to the mojo. But hey, I did what I had to do. To add insult to injury I lost my ipod on one of my flights. I guess you can call that trip to San Antonio say the least. I am now nicely settled into Sin City though. Let "The Hangover" quotes begin!

My first time walking around the strip I felt like that little kid after the dentist. I thought to myself "Is this real life??"( Well I'll tell you what. This place is not real life. Las vegas is fake life. The stuff that goes on around here is incredible. Rules go right out the window. Gambling is all around you. I walked into a CVS to get some vitamins and there was a row of slot machines. You see some real creatures working these slots too. You can be completely wasted walking around with open beers or huge margaritas. There are illegal immigrants handing out pamphlets showing "Girls For You in Under 20 mins!" I saw Batman walking the streets next to a man with a snake wrapped around his head. As most of you know I'm severely afraid of snakes, but I love batman so I was really torn on what to do. Then I realized that the Batman was fake and the snake was real so I ran away. There is so much going on in one area it makes your head spin. Everyone is trying to sell you something, most of the time illegally. On the other hand there is a lot of awesome stuff going on here. My first weekend here I was able to see Rob Scuderi and the LA Kings play against Brandon Yip and the Colorado Avalanche at the MGM Grand Arena. That was cool as I got to see some buddies play in the game and and my sister and the kids came out too. I've seen some friends who were visiting and some other friends are in the area as well. I know more people are going to be showing up as well. I took in a show here the other night called American Superstars where people impersonate celebs. It was pretty cool as I saw Elvis, Carrie Underwood Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson. They were all pretty good performances too. I got to meet "Carrie Underwood" and "Lady Gaga" too. Maybe I can meet the real ones some day too. A lot of stuff going on here and I'm excited to take it all in. But let's not forget the reason I am here. Playing for the Las Vegas Wranglers.

We have a pretty good setup here. Nice apartments about 10 mins off of the strip. Great group of guys here too. You know why it's a good group of guys. Cause almost all of the guys here played in college. Lots of hockey east representation for the Wranglers too. Gotta love it. The arena is located in the Orleans Hotel and Casino which is about 5 mins off the strip. Practices have been going well and training camp is wrapping up with our first game this saturday. Unfortunately I can't play in it cause of my ankle, but I am making some real good strides in my recovery. The ankle is feeling good and I've been on the ice the past few days, so I'm shooting to be back for the home opener in two weeks. It's too bad I will be home alone in Vegas on a Saturday night, on my birthday. (Hint Hint). Ohh well, I'm excited for the season to start and to get back on the ice. Here is a quick mobile upload of what my ankle looked like a day after I sprained it...And it got much worse looking than this.

In unrelated news, everyone knows I'm a big music fan so here are my latest jams I've been listening to.

Great song, great cover.

You may have heard this in "The Town" during the ending credits:

This last song is making it's way around the internet. It's pretty funny.

And I downloaded some 50cent as well. Just to stay gangsta ya heard. In case you didn't hear me the first time my birthday is Saturday. I can give everyone my address for care packages and presents. Thanks. Also, I've used my signoff line here "take care comb your hair" a few times here. My coach here said it to the team the other day. Is Ryan Mougenal head coach of the Las Vegas Wranglers reading my blog?? I'll have to get to the bottom of this. When I blog next I will be 26 years old. Wow, where did the time go. I'm old. Not like for the earth, but for this club. Peace in the hair grease!


  1. Good luck this season Shaeff! Hope the ankle heals up quick too. Keep the posts coming!

  2. sick blog schaeff enjoy reading it...glad you like that midd song...pretty funny bc most of it is all true of middlebury college
