Everybody start singing with me.."It's beginning to look a lot like...Springtime? Yes folks that's right. We had about two weeks of cold weather here in Las Vegas, and by cold I mean I had to put a jacket on. (Except the one night we did some volunteer work at this place called the Magical Forest. It was a Christmas theme park and we had to stand outside all night and talk to guests. The weather decided to be a brisk 36 degrees that night. Not cool. Good thing I have all my winter clothes out here. (Sarcastic)). Anyway back to what I was saying, the weather here has been pretty nice. I had a t-shirt and jeans on this weekend while doing my christmas shopping, for myself, and it just didn't seem right. I'm all for the warm weather, but when you're trying to get in the holiday spirit it doesn't help. When you're driving down the street with the windows down blasting Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas" it a little odd. And yes I love that song. Find someone on this planet that celebrates Christmas that doesn't like that song and I'll give you a lot of dollhairs. This brings me to my next point. My top three favorite Christmas songs in no particular order are Mariah, Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey's Baby It's Cold Outside and The Boss's Santa Claus is coming to town. I die laughing when Bruce is like "Everybody out there been good or what?? Oh that's not many, that's not many, you guys are in trouble out here!" Not sure why I think it's funny, but it is. Baby it's cold outside is a great version of the often remade song and not sure if everyone knows this, but my good friend Sean Sullivan and I, almost came out with a live version we did ourselves. I thought we had something special on our hands when we performed it live, but I guess it never took off. I also really like the version of this song in Elf. Zooey Deschanel has a great voice, and so does Will Ferrell. Some have called Will the songbird of his generation. Speaking of Elf, a few posts ago I wrote about how I was so excited to watch Elf and Home Alone the next two months. I can't tell you how many times now I've seen both. Think about how many protein shakes Jeff LoVecchio has had in his life time and that's probably the right amount. For most people that don't know Jeff, A-They Should and B-It's a lot. (Google or Facebook Jeff LoVecchio, he has some revealing pics)
So I mentioned I was going to grow my mustache out for Movember. Well I did and pardon my language, but it just sucked. I have the worst mustache ever. I'm not even gonna waste your or my time posting a picture. It's blond so you couldn't see it, except when the light hit it just right. I looked like a cross between a pedophile and Larry Bird. Some of the other guys grew some pretty good ones, but mine flat out sucked. We just sucked. I felt like Tom Brady losing the Super Bowl in week 2 to the Jets.
What a dreamboat!
Not last week though Touchdown Tom!
The Wranglers have been arguably the hottest team in all of professional hockey recently. Just an all out effort from top to bottom. Currently sitting tied for first with 4 games in hand, we've more than made up for a slow start to the season. The boys have battled through injuries and are looking forward to a nice Christmas break. I know I am. Starting December 20th at 5:58amESD I will be in NY, either Huntington or NYC. I would've liked to get to Boston for a bit, but I just couldn't squeeze it in, so I apologize for that. For those readers in NY who would like to meet up, let me know as I will be bouncing around. I head back to Sin City on Christmas night. I am quite excited to get back to the Big Apple to celebrate the holidays with family and friends.
No other real crazy stories from Vegas for you, I actually did not go out this past Saturday night. I am getting soft in my old age. I did see a country concert last week with Rodney Atkins, Craig Morgan and James Otto which was pretty cool. All just JV Ball, until we get to countryfest, which is at the end of August this year and Kenny is back. Get excited. That's all for now. I will leave you with this....over
Great post .. love the family guy clip . So you have footage of you and sully singing?