It's getting to be that time of year. The holiday seasons are rapidly approaching which means a lot of good food, desserts, family time, presents and desserts. It also means the best television will be on for the next two months. Two of the greatest movies in the history of the talking picture are going to be constantly playing and I won't complain one bit. Coming in a close second is Elf, a masterpiece starring Will Ferrell. So many great one liners, catchy tunes and just a great story. Really gets you in the holiday spirit. In first place though is quite possible the best Christmas movie of all time. Home Alone. The original. There is not one bad part in the movie and it never gets old. Truth be told I'm watching the movie right now as I type. Just a timeless piece of cinematography and I don't even know if thats a word. I'd bet you all the money I make writing this blog that you can't find one person who doesn't like Home Alone. Poor Macauley Culkin,kid had some serious talent. Nothing worse than wasted talent.

Tom Morrow as Elf.

So this past weekend I finally was back in the lineup after not playing in a game since last May. I was pretty nervous going into the game, not sure how my ankle was going to hold up, or how I was going to feel conditioning wise. I felt ready though so it was all systems go. It worked out well though as I felt pretty good in the game. It might have been from the adrenaline or maybe it's the starbucks coffee. (I've been drinking a lot of Starbucks coffee lately. I'm starting to see why people are addicted to this stuff like crack).

The month of November is being renamed to Movember and a bunch of the fellas are growing out their mustaches for the month to raise awareness for prostate cancer. I'm joining in on this and will try and keep you updated on how my mustache looks. My 'stache is brutal though, so I may have to buffer it up with some Just For Men if it doesnt get better. Pictures will come to follow.
I saw this video floating around on facebook and my friend Tom Sullivan, owner of Sullivan Training Systems had it on his page. Pretty inspiring stuff. If you don't get all tingly inside or chills from this, you are dead.
My friend and talented musician Matt Lowell just came out with a new tune that is pretty legit...check it out here..
That's all for today folks. Peace in the hair grease
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