Gotta love Mike Eruzione at the Miracle on Ice squad.
The olympics are in full swing now and I'm soaking it all in being an American super fan. Curling, figure skating, speed skating, skiing, I've been checking out all of it. The speedskating baffles me. I mean I play hockey and have been skating for about 20 years now. And I still love to skate. What I don't like is skating in circles and for a long time. It just isn't fun. I hate skating laps. I guess thats why they are in the olympics and I'm not...I actually loved watching the skiing though. And not just because Lindsay Vonn is all the rage right now, but it reminded me of how badly I want to go. I haven't had the chance to go because of hockey for so many years, but as soon as I am done playing that is one of the first things I want to do. I went one time when I was real young, to Ski-Shawnee in the Pocono's. I was maybe 5 years old so Poppa Schaeff didn't want me to go down the regular slopes, I had to go to the bunny slopes. Let's just say I was not happy. They made the kids hop around and sing these songs that I wanted no part of(Something along the lines of..something Ski!-Shaw!-nee!, What do we do?? We Ski!!). They only let you go down a hill comparable to a speedbump. Naturally I threw a fit that my folks were not happy about. They have seen way too many of those in my day.

Another blog will talk about that. Anyway, my dad had enough so he threw me down the normal slopes, probably hoping I would crash and burn to teach me a lesson, but of course I was sick, rippin down the slopes like a regular Bode Miller and ending with a full stop, spraying a picturesque wave of snow.(Maybe a slight exaggeration, but I was good). Anyway, that's all I remember from that trip, but ipso facto I want to go ski.
Another thing I wanted to mention about the Olympics is how you work you're whole life for your event and then it comes to your turn, and than BAM!that's it. Your whole life is riding on that one shot. Talk about pressure. I mean a game is different, anything can happen and if you make a mistake, you get a chance to make it up. With some of these other sports one mistake and it's lights out. Pack your bags you're going home. You lost by .0001 seconds so you did not qualify. Now that is pressure.
"What do you know about pressure?? We'll I have kissed a man"
Oh by the way, there is hockey to be played as well. US took care of the Swiss today and Canada is taking care of international powerhouse, Norway. Hopefully the young American squad can come away with a medal, preferably gold, but we'll take anything. Hopefully Canada loses the rest of the way.
Watching American Idol as we speak as well. I've been watching this show too long that I can read Simon like a book. He tries the old, you weren't good, very inconsistent and there aren't many spots....but your through to the next round, wink!
He's gotta get rid of that wink. It's a little creepy. And Ellen continues to be a great fit. That woman is hysterical.
Stick a fork in me, I'm done...Smell ya later!
remember the type of fit u used to have when it was time do homework after school when we were little? u would fall to the floor and slither along the dining room floor whining until your mom either told us we can go play or strapped u to the chair until you finished...those were the daysss