First off, I want to thank MTV for blessing us with 2 full hours of Jersey Shore last night. I was actually able to watch an old episode before that so I got a full 3 hours of "Bro's", "What it is" and Hair Gel. I think some product actually seeped through my TV. You can't talk about Jersey Shore without talking about "The Situation." I mean this guy is unreal. Just says whatever is on his mind and then serves some haterade, a dish best served cold. He calls Snookie fat at dinner and then proceeds to put pickles under her bed.(Best part about that is Snookie finds two of them and throws them out and was pissed they wasted the pickles. Wait till she finds the other 4 or 5 he threw under there). The show ends when Ronnie who never wants to fight, yet ends up in two fights in the episode, punches some guy square in the face, SNOOZE BUTTON! He says it was in self defense but comeee onnnnn buddy, you were 50 yards away from the guy and then turned around got a running start and HAYYUUUUUGGGGAAAAA'd him in the face. I could go on for days about this show but I'll leave that up for the real bloggers...

SIDE NOTE: Did anyone else notice when they show the crew out at the bars on the boardwalk there is like 10 people at the bar, including all the cast members, so in turn there is like 3 other people out. It looks like they filmed the scene on a Tuesday morning or something. They have the cast, the one guy who is about to get beat up, a random girl the guys are "creepin" and then the one dude who Snookie tries to fall in love with. Just thought I'd get that out. Maybe DJ Pauly D spinnin' just isn't bringin the crowds like it used too.
Now just so everyone knows I don't just watch awful(awesome) TV all day, I do my fair share of reading. I also like to break a mental sweat.

I picked up Malcom Gladwell's book "What The Dog Saw." I was really excited to read it as I was a big fan or "Blink," "Tipping Point" and "Outliers." I'm probably about two-thirds of the way through it and I thought it started out pretty slow, but has gotten better. I hope the last section of the book will be even better. In any case Gladwell is still a great writer, so if this one doesn't turn out as great as I'd hope, I'll still read more of his work.
I also do a ton of reading and probably spend most of my day on Mike Boyle's website, www.strengthcoach.com. Everyday there's tons of new info about the ever evolving world of Strength and Conditioning. Now some of you may be dissapointed I'm not going to be a blogger for a living, the field of Strength and Conditioning is something that I'm fascinated by and could be my future profession. The website has some of the greatest minds in the business all sharing their knowledge and it is great for guys like me still trying to get an edge in training for hockey and learning for the future. I also read a book called "Core Performance" by Mark Verstegen. The book was a few years old, so some training protocalls were slightly dated, but overall a great book about changing your living habits for the better. Some great advice on training, nutrition and life. Don't be surprised to see some tips on here about strength training and taking care of your body in the near future.
That's all for today. We have a three games in the next three days, so I'll try and get something done after that. We have the All-Star break next week where I'll be making another trip to NY.
Peace out!
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