So randomly I decided to write another blog. The last blog I wrote was in February I think. I just got bored and too lazy to keep writing stuff. I did decide to join twitter though which has been great. It's like when you're a kid and you get a new toy for Christmas and you play with it everyday until one day you're like this sucks, I need something else. Bam, twitter was my new toy. Then you are cleaning out your closet and you see that old toy again and you're like oh man this was so sweet. So you play with it again. We'll see if I can continue the blog or not, but I'm still in deep in the twitter game. If you liked this blog follow me. @kschaeff3. So let's see if I can recap the last 5 or so months in this blog:
Part 1.
When we left off we were heading towards the end of the season with the Las Vegas Wranglers. We started to slide from our first place position and came stumbling into the playoffs not playing our best hockey. Not sure if it was because I was no longer blogging or because our whole team was either hurt or called up. We went into the playoffs facing the Idaho Steelheads and lost the best of 5 series. Just like that, the season was over. Now during the last few months of the season I started feeling like this might be the end of the road for my hockey career. I knew I didn't want to play in North America anymore and it was Europe or bust. It was a tough few months to think about it, but after our final game against Idaho I knew that that might've been the last professional game I played. (I'll give you guys a minute to go grab a tissue). At the end of every season is very bittersweet. The sadness of the season ending coupled with the excitement of the end of the year parties and summer fun is a weird feeling. I guess of all places to be to cap off your hockey career with a week of partying, Vegas probably comes in on top. We had a great week of fun, but after that week I was begging to go home.
Part 2.
As per usual I spent some time in NY with the family after the season. I spent a lot of of that time in NYC with Eric Thomassian and Craig Sanders livin it up, and partying like a bunch of rockstars. (Jack Parker reference #1). I then moved up to Boston where I moved in with Karson Gillespie, former Terrier netminder and average guy at best. It was a real feather in my cap (Parker reference #2) to snag a great living spot in Charlestown with Ol' Gillies. It got off to a rocky start with the female resident who lives above us. I was moving in, as she was going to walk her dog. I introduced myself and said I was moving in and living with Karson. She responded with "I didn't know he had a two bedroom," with which I replied, "he doesn't." What I failed to mention was that Karson has an office with which I converted to a bedroom, and we are in fact not sharing a bedroom. I think she has figured it out. Since then it has been all hats and horns (Parker reference #3.) We have been up to our usual shennanigans on the weekends getting together with the boys and letting our hair down and lampshades on our heads drinking our grape crushes. (Parker reference #4). I have made a few good trips as well, heading to Nantucket for Figawi weekend, Anaheim, to work with the Ducks Development Camp over 4th of July, the Hamptons and most recently Sea Island, Georgia with the Schaeffer clan. During this time I have faced some very hard decisions. The main one was whether to go to Europe for my farewell tour or hang up the Bauers. I have decided to hang up the skates and move on to a new chapter in my life. Just like the end of the season, it's a bittersweet feeling, but i'm excited for the opportunities that lay ahead and I'm excited to be in Boston full time. Now figuring out what to do with my life is the next step. I feel as though if I have the desire, determination and the will to win, (Parker reference #5) I'll be ok. All in all so far a pretty good summer. We still have some weeks left to make the most of it. Oh by the way the Bruins won the Stanley Cup a few months ago, that is neat!
Part 3.
It's funny when the summer starts you get so excited and feel like you have so much time to do as much as you want. Then it hits you that it's August 12th (today) and you start to panic about how you can cram as much fun in the next few weeks. It's a little different feeling now though cause usually I would be gearing up to leave for training camp and then go live in some brutal city like Vegas for a year so I would be counting down the weekends. Now I know I will be here so no need to count the weekends, just make the weekends count! On the agenda right now, I have a trip back to NY, Kenny Chesney weekend and possibly Labor Day at ACK. Can't wait! (Bart Scott Voice)
Part 4.
I usually talk about some reality TV show like American Idol for a bit, but I really haven't been watching to much TV. But Scotty Mcreerey? Seriously? I'm definitely trying out next year. That's all I have to say about that. Also everyone knows I'm a big fan of music and usually I'll post the jams I've been listening to lately. I honestly can say that because of our goalie this past year DJ Snouzas, I have become a fan of techno. I actually couldn't stand it while we blasted it in the locker room everyday, i'm usually a fan of a song with instruments. I can say though that you may have seen me doing my best DJ Tiesto or DeadMau5 impression in the car lately. Which happens to be a new jeep by the way. I treated myself. But to keep my sanity, my former D partner from Vegas and all around great guy Jamie Fritsch introduced me to the song Wagon Wheel, by Old Crow Medicine Show. Great tune.
I think that will be it for now. Plus I have to go move my car anyway. Annoying 2 hour street parking. It's been a pleasure to be back blogging for you. As usual, Take Care, Comb Your Hair
Friday, August 12, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Random Thoughts
Valentines Day is for the birds...
So I've really been slacking on this blogging stuff lately. To tell you the truth it's tough. It's a lot of pressure to churn out awesome blog after awesome blog. Once I start getting messages begging to me to update the blog I know it's been too long. One of the reasons I've been slacking is cause we have been playing so many games lately. Like our schedule is absurd. So whenever I get a chance to relax and do nothing, I literally do nothing. Like I barely get out of bed. But I also haven't had much to write about either so you guys haven't been missing out.
The last time I wrote we were in Alaska for an extended stay. So we were finally set to go home and we get to the airport in Seattle from Victoria, BC. We get on our plane and then they tell us there is a problem with the plane so we need to switch planes. So we grab our gear and get off and go to another plane. So we are sitting there for a half hour or so before we move, and an announcement comes on saying they are just de-icing and we'll be taking off shortly. Another twenty minutes later we hear we need to get off, while they fix some problem on the wing. De-icing my ass. We grab our gear and get off. We re-board that plane shortly after, only to have to get off again! The problem they thought they fixed wasn't. Finally, after three times of getting on and off we were able to get back on and take off. While on the plane the stewardess gets on the mic and announces "Alaskan Airlines is proud to have the Las Vegas Rangers hockey team on board." So naturally we start dying laughing cause they said Rangers instead of Wranglers. Then an older lady behind us asks why we were all laughing and her husband goes, "They're laughing because there's obviously no professional hockey team in Las Vegas!" Sweet. By the way, there has been no word of a lie stated in this paragraph. Everything I just said is 100% true.
As all of my loyal readers know, I am a huge American Idol fan. But since they changed the judges I didn't quite know if I would watch the show. I've tuned in a few times out of curiosity and I'm indifferent. Steven Tyler was ok, same with JLo. Randy is just Randy. The thing is for me though, it's not the judges that make the show for me. I enjoy watching the performances. I don't like the early auditions though cause I feel pretty bad for some of those people who actually think they are good singers. Which is why I wait for Hollywood week to tune in. This week I'll have to check out who my favorites will be. Also, one of my cousins has made it to Hollywood week, so this year American Idol gets personal! Wayne Smith, keep an eye out for him!
Another show I've started to tune into was The Bachelor...I meannn the Ultimate Fighter. No seriously. It's a good show with some real babes on it. Emily is quite the babe. If she were president, her name would be Babraham Lincoln. The guy Brad is kind of a square though. Oh well. Good entertainment. Now I should probably say something really manly to save face here and make sure everyone knows I'm straight, but I'm comfortable with myself.
The Wranglers/Rangers have been struggling as of late. The schedule, some injuries and call ups have taken a bit of a toll on the team. The weird thing is we are either still in first place or close to it in the league. Not too shabby if you ask me. We have a couple days off from games here so hopefully we can get healthy and refreshed.
Anyone else dissapointed with the Super Bowl commercials? Bud Light is usually great, but i guess they took the year off. The monkeys of CareerBuilder were classic. Best commercial by far.
The weather here has been pretty nice. Not too hot yet, but not cold, and not a cloud in the sky. Like a nice spring day. I hear the weather has been nice back home too...It's amazing how the weather can effect your mood. Waking up when it is freezing cold and raining and snowing does not to good things for your psyche. Walking out of the rink when it is 65-70 degrees and sunny does. I can't wait for pool season! Who's coming out to visit??
I thought this was funny:
(Need Sound)
Has anyone else tried this I can't believe I've been buying songs for this long.
BU lost in the first round of the Beanpot this year, and this just came in that they lost the consolation game to the Crimson of Harvard. Can't be a good time at the Dugout this week.
I feel like I'm missing a few things I wanted to talk about, but I guess if I think of them I can just write a new blog!
Take Care, Comb your hair! Get pitted, wapowwww!
So I've really been slacking on this blogging stuff lately. To tell you the truth it's tough. It's a lot of pressure to churn out awesome blog after awesome blog. Once I start getting messages begging to me to update the blog I know it's been too long. One of the reasons I've been slacking is cause we have been playing so many games lately. Like our schedule is absurd. So whenever I get a chance to relax and do nothing, I literally do nothing. Like I barely get out of bed. But I also haven't had much to write about either so you guys haven't been missing out.
The last time I wrote we were in Alaska for an extended stay. So we were finally set to go home and we get to the airport in Seattle from Victoria, BC. We get on our plane and then they tell us there is a problem with the plane so we need to switch planes. So we grab our gear and get off and go to another plane. So we are sitting there for a half hour or so before we move, and an announcement comes on saying they are just de-icing and we'll be taking off shortly. Another twenty minutes later we hear we need to get off, while they fix some problem on the wing. De-icing my ass. We grab our gear and get off. We re-board that plane shortly after, only to have to get off again! The problem they thought they fixed wasn't. Finally, after three times of getting on and off we were able to get back on and take off. While on the plane the stewardess gets on the mic and announces "Alaskan Airlines is proud to have the Las Vegas Rangers hockey team on board." So naturally we start dying laughing cause they said Rangers instead of Wranglers. Then an older lady behind us asks why we were all laughing and her husband goes, "They're laughing because there's obviously no professional hockey team in Las Vegas!" Sweet. By the way, there has been no word of a lie stated in this paragraph. Everything I just said is 100% true.
As all of my loyal readers know, I am a huge American Idol fan. But since they changed the judges I didn't quite know if I would watch the show. I've tuned in a few times out of curiosity and I'm indifferent. Steven Tyler was ok, same with JLo. Randy is just Randy. The thing is for me though, it's not the judges that make the show for me. I enjoy watching the performances. I don't like the early auditions though cause I feel pretty bad for some of those people who actually think they are good singers. Which is why I wait for Hollywood week to tune in. This week I'll have to check out who my favorites will be. Also, one of my cousins has made it to Hollywood week, so this year American Idol gets personal! Wayne Smith, keep an eye out for him!
Another show I've started to tune into was The Bachelor...I meannn the Ultimate Fighter. No seriously. It's a good show with some real babes on it. Emily is quite the babe. If she were president, her name would be Babraham Lincoln. The guy Brad is kind of a square though. Oh well. Good entertainment. Now I should probably say something really manly to save face here and make sure everyone knows I'm straight, but I'm comfortable with myself.
The Wranglers/Rangers have been struggling as of late. The schedule, some injuries and call ups have taken a bit of a toll on the team. The weird thing is we are either still in first place or close to it in the league. Not too shabby if you ask me. We have a couple days off from games here so hopefully we can get healthy and refreshed.
Anyone else dissapointed with the Super Bowl commercials? Bud Light is usually great, but i guess they took the year off. The monkeys of CareerBuilder were classic. Best commercial by far.
The weather here has been pretty nice. Not too hot yet, but not cold, and not a cloud in the sky. Like a nice spring day. I hear the weather has been nice back home too...It's amazing how the weather can effect your mood. Waking up when it is freezing cold and raining and snowing does not to good things for your psyche. Walking out of the rink when it is 65-70 degrees and sunny does. I can't wait for pool season! Who's coming out to visit??
I thought this was funny:
(Need Sound)
Has anyone else tried this I can't believe I've been buying songs for this long.
BU lost in the first round of the Beanpot this year, and this just came in that they lost the consolation game to the Crimson of Harvard. Can't be a good time at the Dugout this week.
I feel like I'm missing a few things I wanted to talk about, but I guess if I think of them I can just write a new blog!
Take Care, Comb your hair! Get pitted, wapowwww!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Happy New Year
Happy New Year everyone. Do you believe that it is 2011? Remember when it was turning year 2000 and everyone thought the world was gonna explode, that whole Y2K phenomenom. We were pretty dumb back then huh? Anyway, this New Year was unreal. Celebrating in Las Vegas could not have been any awesomer. My good friend Eric Thomassian came out from NYC and we went to the opening of the brand new club called Marquee. Only 150 people were invited, but Thomo had the hook up and we were one of the guests. Oh and we were rolling with Leo DiCaprio so that might've helped. Guy was an unreal dude. Paid for everything and was a real down to earth guy. Jay-Z and Coldplay were playing a private concert and then came over to our table when they were done and were just hanging out with us. It was surreal. I was ringing in the New Year with megastars. Just beautiful girls all around us thinking we were somebody sweet asking for our phone number. It was the best night of my life!
OK, that was all a big joke. That was something that could've happened to me on New Years, but instead I was on a plane for 6 hours flying from Phoenix to Alaska, after flying from San Francisco to Phoenix. See what happened was we were supposed to play in Stockton, California on Wednesday and Thursday, come home and celebrate the new year in Vegas, then head to Alaska for our games. Somehow we ended up getting bumped from our flights and had to fly directly from California to Alaska with a quick stop in Phoenix, (cause it's on the way right)five days earlier than we had to. So now I am sitting in a hotel room in Anchorage, Alaska writing, and not playing a game for another four days. Love of the game. It's quite a different town, not quite a buzzing metropolis as they say. A couple of guy saw a moose crossing the street, which actually would've been really cool.
How many people reading this can say they have seen a moose cross the street in front of them? I'm guessing not many. Anyway, after being in Alaska for a week, we head down to Victoria, British Columbia for a couple of games and finally head home. All in all it is a 20 day road trip. Sick.
I had a nice Christmas Break at home although it went by way too fast. As usual. I had a couple of fun nights in NYC and spent some quality time with the family. It was good to be home and seeing some old friends and hanging out at 7 Ames Place again. Not much has changed really, so it is nice to go back to my old bed and have my parents yelling at me again. We went for a nice Christmas Eve dinner down in Huntington Bay and while it was a lovely place, my chicken parm was a HUGE letdown. Let me just preface this by saying I LOVE chicken parm, like bad. Like I never have a chicken parm I don't like. Until that night.
The chicken was just extremely tough to chew and tasted like rubber. It looked really good, but tasted like junk. I figured I would redeem myself with a brownie sundae. Relax, I shared it with my sister. But the brownie sundae was bad too! Small scoop of ice cream, thick, dry brownie, poor texture. I'm no Iron Chef, but I know that was a terrible meal. Top to bottom. On to Christmas Morning, I woke up and couldn't move my neck so that really hurt my present opening abilities. I felt my neck spasm the day before and it got real bad overnight. Too bad Santa didn't give me a swedish masseuse the next morning. I did get a few really cool gifts though which I was stoked about. A fly new suit with some dress shirts and tie's to go along with and also got a Kindle. I sound really old. Remember when a good Christmas was all new hockey gear, ninja turtles, starting lineups, a huffy and three nerf footballs? I digress, but the Kindle is pretty cool. I'm reading "Where Men Win Glory" now, by John Krakauer. It's the story of Pat Tillman. It shows what kind of a person Tillman was and gives some behind the scenes info on what went on during 9/11. I look forward to reading a lot more.
I'm off to see "The Fighter." Nothing like a good Mark Wahlberg movie. Hope everyone had a great holiday season and will have a great new year. I leave you with this gem..(you might want to turn down the volume a bit)
You might want to turn UP the volume for this jam!
peace out folks!
OK, that was all a big joke. That was something that could've happened to me on New Years, but instead I was on a plane for 6 hours flying from Phoenix to Alaska, after flying from San Francisco to Phoenix. See what happened was we were supposed to play in Stockton, California on Wednesday and Thursday, come home and celebrate the new year in Vegas, then head to Alaska for our games. Somehow we ended up getting bumped from our flights and had to fly directly from California to Alaska with a quick stop in Phoenix, (cause it's on the way right)five days earlier than we had to. So now I am sitting in a hotel room in Anchorage, Alaska writing, and not playing a game for another four days. Love of the game. It's quite a different town, not quite a buzzing metropolis as they say. A couple of guy saw a moose crossing the street, which actually would've been really cool.

I had a nice Christmas Break at home although it went by way too fast. As usual. I had a couple of fun nights in NYC and spent some quality time with the family. It was good to be home and seeing some old friends and hanging out at 7 Ames Place again. Not much has changed really, so it is nice to go back to my old bed and have my parents yelling at me again. We went for a nice Christmas Eve dinner down in Huntington Bay and while it was a lovely place, my chicken parm was a HUGE letdown. Let me just preface this by saying I LOVE chicken parm, like bad. Like I never have a chicken parm I don't like. Until that night.

I'm off to see "The Fighter." Nothing like a good Mark Wahlberg movie. Hope everyone had a great holiday season and will have a great new year. I leave you with this gem..(you might want to turn down the volume a bit)
You might want to turn UP the volume for this jam!
peace out folks!
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