My grandfather said that to me this weekend, so I thought it was fitting to use it for this post's title. This weekend was my sister Kristy's wedding in Boston and was a great time. This weekend was obviously Fourth of July weekend and everyone had today, the 5th off as well. I'm guessing that is what my grandfather meant when he said celebrate the 4th with the 5th. I took it a different way. 4th piece of cake? Celebrate it with a 5th. (2)4th beer? Celebrate it with a(2)5th. 4th bowl of ice cream? Celebrate it with a 5th. It was the theme for the weekend. We started the weekend out on Friday night with a rehearsal for the ceremony, which I did not attend cause I was busy making athletes better. Afterwards though we headed out to Concord, Mass for a rehearsal dinner at a very nice country club. I forget the name of it now, but it was nice. I promise. Everyone mingled and the Danes were meeting the Americans and getting to know our future in laws. (Kristy's husband Joen is from Denmark, and has been living in the states for quite some time, but still has a lot of family over there). There was a delicious spread set up along with an open bar and some appetizers. For some reason the caterers would come out of the kitchen and walk straight to me. I guess I'm an easy sell when it comes to food. It was a good night, with a couple quick welcoming speeches and introductions, then everyone headed home to get ready for the big day.
Saturday rolls around and it's the big day. The girls were busy with getting their hair and makeup did, so me and my old man pretty much had the morning off. We went for breakfast and then I headed back up to the room and watched some TV and dozed off for a bit. Weird, never happens. I decided to go for a walk up to City Sports on Boyleston because I wanted to get a pair of Vibram Five Finger shoes. They are weird and people look at you funny, but I wanted a pair cause I love being barefoot. As I mustered the courage, and money, up to buy them I get a call from mom saying I had to be ready for pictures in 15 minutes. Oops. I put the box down and bolted out of the store. That was the 2nd time I had a pair of the shoes and couldn't pull the trigger. Anyway, I hurried back to the hotel and got ready. I shaved my face with a razor for what could've been the first time in a year. I couldn't imagine doing that every day. Yikes. So I'm ready, I look all dapper and 007ish in my tux from high school prom and we go for some quick pictures in the hotel before the ceremony. By the way we stayed at this small hotel, some of you may have heard of called the Four Seasons. We snap a few still shots and head over to the church on Newbury. Remember I said I didn't go to the rehearsal so I was unsure of my roll. I knew I had double duty walking my mom and my sister Kelly down the aisle. I felt like I was doing 150yd shuttles in the church. I dropped off my mom and sprinted back to the back of the church to pick up Kelly. Now from there I didn't know where to go so while walking down the aisle I kept asking Kelly where I was supposed to go. She wasn't saying much as she was focused on smiling and looking good for the camera. It just comes naturally for me so I wasn't worried. Anyway, she pulls me along side of her and we are up on "stage" at the church. Right next to the alter. Great. Right on center stage. I couldn't get away with anything. It's a beautiful church, but there was no AC so needless to say. I was hot. Real Hot. Like sweat dripping down my hands and back. I tried to keep it under control but it was no use. I even yawned too for some reason, but I don't think anyone caught that. Thank goodness. After the nice ceremony it was some more pictures and then off to the reception. OPEN BAR DUDE!! I got to catch up with some relatives and old family friends, many of who are loyal readers. Mr. Wathey and Mr. Giannuzzi actually requested this blog so this is dedicated to them. Cocktail hour was delicious and weird the caterers came right to me every time. The country club must've told them about me. Oh well, no complaints here. The reception started and Joen's brother in law was the toastmaster and he was hysterical. My dad, and two other sisters gave very nice speeches along with some speeches from Joen and Joen's family. Lots of teary eyed folks in the audience. After awhile the reception was jumpin and Joen's buddies asked me and Rob my other brother in law to participate in some Danish traditions. So we follow them wondering what we were getting ourselves into. We get into the elevator where we are told we are going to trash the bride and groom's suite. I was shocked at what I heard, but apparently it is Danish tradition. And you can't mess with tradition. I looked at Rob and he looked at me and gave a quick high five and we got to work and started bouncing ideas off each other. I don't think the Danes realized who they were dealing with. We've tornadoed a room or two in our day. It was hysterical. We did our job and headed back downstairs where the band was starting to fire it up. Cue the dancefloor. Some real movers and shakers out there and I certainly was one of them. I was complimented by several folks about my moves and as my mom said, I had some really "groovy moves." What can I say. The full course meal served throughout the night was delish, so why not cap off the night with a snack time consisting of an ice cream bar, strawberry shortcakes and sliders and fries. Diet starts monday! The night ended and the day was a huge success. Bruch yesterday morning and a little BBQ at Courtney and Rob's for the fouth to cap a great weekend. Back to "work" tomorrow. Could be a tough workout tomorrow. I might be sweating out Amstel Light and Sugar.
Sorry no pictures or videos today. Too lazy. There's enough material to keep you occupied.