So, I'm really slacking on this blogging thing. I've talked to many people who say "Hey Schaeff, I check your blog every day and I'm dissapointed every time I don't see a new update. My response is always "Ok ok, I'll write a new one." This is for you guys. It may not seem like I've been busy, but I have. Sort of. So last time we left off, I was just getting up to Boston and squaring away some housing stuff. I'm all settled in to the place now. Uncle Tony and I had some work to do as the previous tenants have never heard of windex or lysol wipes, so we spent some solid hours cleaning up the place. We're all set now, minus the fact that it has been really hot the last few days and AC was not in the lease plan. It's like I'm back at 7 Ames. I think I'm gonna have to head to the store and buy one as I like to sleep in the cold. The location is unreal with tons of awesome restaurants and bars around the neighborhood, and there's always something going on. Which is good and bad. The area is very Italian so these people go bananas for the World Cup. All in all it's a fun spot to be in. The boys have indulged in the local water holes (I feel like I say that in every blog) like Tia's, Joe's American Grill and the new spot Whiskey Priest. Both spots on the water where you can enjoy being outside. Really diggin this place Whiskey Priest and can see myself heading there a lot this summer. Tia's is fun but nobody wants to spend 50 bucks for 3 beers and a drink. Kidding, but not really. I guess everything has it's price.
Speaking of the World Cup. I don't get it. I'm sorry, but I just never was into soccer. Sure I was a star goaltender on the Stimson 7th and 8th grade teams, but I can't get into it now. It seems pretty boring. Like I know hockey isn't the highest scoring sport, but at least it's fast paced and intense. Soccer is just some running around and no scoring. The only thing I like about soccer is the goal celebrations and the diving. Dives are pretty frequent but the goal celey's are few and far between.
So I'm well into my workouts now and feeling good. BodybyBoyle has moved into a brand new facility so it's pretty legit. Check it out. The summer camp started today as well so the gym was absolute madness. Probably about 400kids walking through the door. It's a factory in there. Just shuffling out Bodies By Boyle. That was gay. Let's move on.
Memorial day weekend I went to Nantucket. The place is a little heaven on Earth. Just a bunch of bro's bro'ing out. We had a sweet house that Ryan "Wild Bill" Weston set up for the guys. Well done by Westo. We hit up the local spots and of course the best bar in the world, "The Chicken Box." All roads lead to the box. Everyone from the island goes there and it's just a huge..well box. Live music, tons of babes and bro's. Going down to nantucket you're always bound to run into guys and gals you know, but it gets crazy sometimes. Actually all the time. The best part is showing up "early" to the bar at 8:00pm and seeing the line is down the street. Usually a good sign of things to come. The Rock is definitley my favorite vacation spot. It's hard not to have the best time there.
With American Idol being over and obviously Lee winning, I don't have any shows to watch. I tried watching the bachelorette, but I couldn't get over the tools on that show. But I guess I was the one watching so who is really the tool huh? We have OnDemand so I ripped through the last season of Entourage. I'm open to any other show ideas. The OnDemand is pretty awesome though. Anything you want at your finger tips.
It's time to go cook some dinner. I'm not near the cook that Tony is so maybe I can somehow weasel that little guy to cook some food for us. I'll hit you guys up on the next blog..whenever that is. Smell ya later.